Research group of Hydraulics, Hydraulic Constructions and Hydraulic Protection of the DICATeA territory
The research group, active at the Department of Civil Engineering, Environment, Land and Architecture (DICATeA) of the University of Parma, studies water problems in the fields of Civil Engineering and Engineering for environment and territory. The group’s activities are developed both on an experimental basis, relying on the Hydraulics laboratory, and through mathematical modeling.
In the field of Hydraulic Protection from surface waters, research topics relating to the quantification and management of hydraulic risk in the territory are explored, with the application of mathematical models for the formation and propagation of river floods, flood dynamics, design and verification of expansion tanks and through the creation of physical models.
As regards the aspects of the hydraulic protection of groundwater, studies are carried out on the quantitative and qualitative problems of aquifers; in particular, the mathematical modeling of water flow in regional aquifers is used in order to identify more efficient strategies in the management of water resources. Theoretical-numerical studies are in progress for the simulation of the transport of pollutants in the aquifers in order to fully describe the evolution of the pollution episodes (direct problem) and for the identification of the hydraulic parameters (inverse problem) that affect the behavior of the groundwater. aquifer.